Questions & Answers

-Can I save energy in my smart house/office/facility? – yes,      We can implement various automation processes to ensure that

-Can I have full remote control? – yes,        That is the key solution from SBIA solutions

-Can I get push msg for incidents even if my mobile is on mute? – yes,      You can both send and receive commands via text messages or emails. AT commands are also supported.

-Can I feel more secure? – absolutely      SBIA solutions are very secure, have built in firewalls, tons of blacklisting/whitelisting options and much more.

-Is the automation system expandable and future proof? – yes.     SBIA solutions are compatible not only between different models, but also with other manufacturer products as well.

We design our solutions based on a 15 year plan using hardware only from trusted and long term relation partners like Siemens, Teltonika and Huaptec.

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